GreenGRC™ - Carbon Negative Materials Inside

Sculptured street furnitures and precast/prefab concrete panels at our factory

Key features:

  • GRC has low embodied carbon compared to traditional concrete

  • GreenGRC™ takes a step further with added carbon negative and recycled aggregates and materials without compromising its strength

  • Self-healing properties

Unique coating options:

  • NeOCOAT Non-reflective heat “shedding” properties that functions on both Hong Kong Summer and Winter time (reflective coating often contributes to heat island effect). This helps building reduce energy consumption on cooling.

  • Carbon, CO2, NOX, VOC capturing properties, removing air pollutants from the air

  • Titanium Oxide surface, for hardened, durable and low maintenance surface

High moldability, light weight, UV and weather resistance. GRC is able to provide various tactile and texture qualities.

With the above advantages and qualities, it is a low cost but high quality pre-fab production that works well for aesthetic design in fascia and landscaping.

Pre-cast concrete panels are also ideal for cladding and facade, as the weight is substantially decreased due to reduced thickness, also reducing dead load in building and engineering works.

Build with GreenGRC™ to build a greener, low embodied carbon and sustainable future.

We achieve this by adding carbon negative and recycled materials without compromising its strength GRC is known for.

Substituting with recycled materials can raise concerns about strength and durability. We are working to demonstrate their qualities.

GreenGRC™ is just the first step, there are a few more steps we can add to enhance its qualities.

GreenGRC™ PLUS offers various coatings and mixed ingredients to make your building more sustainable.

+ NeOCOAT Non-reflective heat “shedding” properties

++ Air pollutant removing properties

+++ Hardened, durable and low maintenance surface

Contact Us.

Paul Sim



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